Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Oh yeah, he's a big boy!

Momma status: sleeping again
Pain level: 0
What's-a-goin' on: we just had another ultra-sound so that the doctor on call, Dr. Ference can see how big he is before putting together a plan of attack. I suppose I shouldn't say 'plan of attack' I should say 'plan of care ' or 'plan of delivery'...

Anyway, baby boy has gained 4 more ounces since Thursdays ultrasound and he's now 9 lbs. 8 ozs. Give or take a pound and a half. Jamie was 9-8 when she was born, so the old threat, 'I hope you get one just like you' might come true for Karla and Jamie.

They got his approximate weight by measuring his femur (7.6 cm) his head circumference (35 cm) and his abdominal circumference which was literally too big for the machine to read! It looks like he may have his nose from Daddy, but he's got mommy's belly! I can make that joke, because she knows she's beautiful and only gained weight in her belly.

I'll update when Dr. Ference gives us any news.


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