Friday, May 8, 2009

I'ma Proud Pop

So if you don't already know, I'm a HUGE cycling fan. I love to ride my bike and I love to watch le Tour. In fact I knew that Jamie was THE One, when after only a few weeks of dating, she sat with me and watched 23 days of le Tour De France (3 hours per day) without complaining one bit. Now that just may mean that I'm so ridiculously good looking that she didn't want to screw it up... but the inscribed nose-hair trimmer in my medicine cabinet tells me otherwise... that she's just a good catch.

Last night we were rummaging around the summer aisle at Wal-Mart and Jarem all but threw down the toy truck that he ripped off of the shelf to go play with the bikes! So, being the proud daddy that I am, I plopped him right on the seat of a trike... and boy did he love it! He was trying to put his feet on the peddles even though they didn't reach, and couldn't get enough of turning the handle bars. I think that with all of our bike riding over the past few months, the bike skills have entered his brain through osmosis!

If you ask Jamie, she might say that I flipped out... well cause I did. BUT it was one of the most amazing things to see him get excited about being on a bike! He's growing into such a little boy, it's amazing! I should have gotten pictures but alas, I didn't. You'll just have to settle for the picture that I just painted for you.

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