Monday, June 9, 2008

Big and strong

Jarem continues to amaze us with how big he is getting and how strong he is. People regularly comment on his neck control. Since the hospital he has been lifting up his own head. He now holds his head up when you hold him on your shoulder and maintains control as you move. He rarely lets his head bang down on your shoulder. He usually gently lays it down when his neck gets tired. It's so amazing! We love how alert and aware he is becoming. He can follow things as they move with his eyes and loves staring at ceiling fans. Our living room ceiling fan is one of his best friends, after mommy and daddy. We can't believe how old he is and how fast time flies. He'll be starting school before we know it.

Well, he's waking up now so that concludes my mass blogging. More to come soon...


Brittney said...

He is getting CUTER by the minute! are you kidding me?!
he is soooooooo beautiful, i wish i could come see him, i drove by your house last week, but libby got tubes in her ears, and i didnt wanna bring libby over when i visit, so i guess i am never coming over! ha.. well, when you feel like you dont mind her coming over then we will for sure come visit, i cant wait to hold his little body, LOOk at how big he is getting!!! i love him, he is so precious!

Jamie said...

Britt, we totally don't mind Libby! How did the tubes go? She's such a strong girl that I'm sure she's doing fine. When you bring her over I'll be sure to shower her with love while you hold Jarem. Stop by if you want! You can text before just to make sure I'm home but you're always welcome to stop by the house. We'd love to see you guys!!! Kisses to Libby from Jarem. :)