Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bailey Summer Update

Lately there have been a lot of new and exciting things in our life. So You Think You Can Dance and Wipeout started during the new season of summer TV!!!! So You Think You Can Dance is our favorite show! This season is already amazing and there are so many talented people on the show. We love summer TV! Eric’s favorite show is also on right now, Wipeout! If you haven’t seen it, it’s hilarious! We just watch and laugh then crack up at all the funny people and stuff that happens. We like it so much that I filled out an application for Eric to be on the show. Not likely but we’d love it if he got called on for next season. I think Eric would be really good at it!

In other exciting news, Black Eyed Peas released their new album The E.N.D. (Energy Never Dies) last week and we have been listening to it non-stop. BEPs are our favorite music group and this CD is one of their best yet. We both have new ring tones with their songs already, too. Eric (my beloved nerd) made them for us on the computer so we wouldn’t have to buy them. LOVE IT!

I feel like an infomercial…But wait, there’s more!! On top of all that exciting stuff, my best friend Joanna is moving back to AZ and officially has a job. WITH US AIRWAYS!! She will be working at a different building than me but will have all the flight benefits and perks of working in the airline industry. I am so excited to have her not only living here but also working for the same company. She starts at the end of the month and it can’t get here fast enough. It’s crazy that she hasn’t lived here since we graduated high school. We have always stayed close friends and seen each other often so it will be nice to have her so close to us. She is an excellent god mommy to Jarem and we’re excited for them to spend time together, too. YAY!!

As for my Jarem update, we have really good news! Last night he slept through the night and we feel so refreshed and rested today. Since he started teething and a new daycare a couple weeks ago he has been waking up multiple times each night and really struggling. But last night he slept through the night. We are so happy that he seems to be adjusting! On top of that, when Eric dropped J off at daycare today, he didn’t cry. This is another first since he started his new daycare. We are happy that he is being such a good baby and adjusting to all these changes he has going on right now.

Yesterday at daycare they gave him pineapple and cottage cheese for his snack. The teacher said he LOVED it and was eating it by the handfuls. I am sad I missed it but the visual of him eating by the handfuls makes me smile. He is trying to increase his vocabulary and is constantly rambling sentences. If only we could make out what he’s trying to say. His two main words that he likes to say now are Bubba and Baby. Baby is brand new. He learned that one from this book we read him. Jarem also loves to point at everything right now. He points and talks and we’re sure he’s telling us something so we just talk back to him and encourage his language skills.

Jarem is beyond mobile right now and we’ve been forced to up our baby-proofing another level. He can reach everything now and since he’s running, we aren’t fast enough to catch things before he gets to them. He loves to open our drawers and grab whatever he can reach out of them. He also loves to reach up on the countertops and pull down anything he finds. Too funny… He’s definitely a curious boy. We’re happy that he’s healthy though and learning the ways of the world.

One last thing that we haven’t talked about recently is his baby sign language. Jarem is doing phenomenal with his sign language and impresses us so much!! This is his main form of communication right now. He is even putting signs together and forming little sentences. He knows: more, ball, up, help, eat, drink, all done, bath and please. He recognizes even more signs when we do them but hasn’t mastered repeating them yet. It has made our lives so easy to be able to ask him what he wants and have him tell us. The sign for help is the household favorite. Jarem uses it for so many things. It’s amazing how smart babies are!

Okay, I know I already said one last thing but this is really the last thing. The other new fun thing to do with Jarem is give him directions and have him be our little helper. He listens very well and understands everything we say. If he brings a shoe and we tell him to get the other one, he knows to get the other one of the same pair. He is such a good listener and we can’t believe how big and smart he is getting. We’ll post more pictures soon and try to do some new videos, too.


Eric said...

Awesome update!

Joanna said...

Ditto to Eric's comment! I can't wait to be back!

Unknown said...

CONGRATS, Joanna! I'm so happy for you!!

Jarem is such a smart boy and makes me smile so often. Ahhhh, sweet boy!

Eric said...

So far this summer has bee great! It started out a little rough, but we still got to enjoy the sub 100 degree June! I can't wait to see what the rest of the summer brings!

Anonymous said...

I miss you guys so much. Thank you thank you Jamie for the great update. You guys are amazing. I go to bed nearly every night with the blog as the last thing I see. I appreciate your keeping me close. Love, Rose