Arizona is so amazing! I know it's hot in the summer but I love the heat and how good it feels on my skin. The same goes for the fall. We may not get to see the turning of the leaves or lots of the other fun fall things here. But there's plenty of beauty to be found in such a beautiful state. While driving home one day last weekend I passed this beautiful corn field. You may be thinking, beautiful corn field??? What's so different about this corn field from every other? Well maybe it was the lighting, the red tops on the husks, or just where my mind was at but this field struck me as beautiful and I wanted to get family pictures in front of it. I called Uriel and asked if after church on Sunday we could sneak in a few family pictures. The sun was setting fast so it was hard to get them perfect but I was still impressed with this beautiful field!We're planning on going back one day this week or weekend to try again with better lighting to get more pictures. I know it's simple but it's my new desktop picture.
We're going to decorate our house for Halloween this weekend and maybe try to take some pictures of Jarem in his costume. He's going to look so cute I bet!
If you have the time, the weather is perfect. Take a walk when you get home from work today. It's so calming at the end of the day. Take in the flowers in your yard, the green grass in a neighbor's yard, or the beautiful buttes that surround us here in the desert of the sun. It's an amazing time of year...
i agree! fall is the best time of year in az, and i love every minute of it! every morning, i open my windows and back door and let libby play in the backyard, and enjoy all this NICE WEATHER! at night we have gone on bike rides, or just on a walk to the park. i am so excited for it to really cool off so i can keep my house open ALL day long. i love the picture in front of the corn field, i wouldve done the same thing! its beautiful:)
What beautiful pictures! Love the hills in the background and the fall color. Miss you all!
Those pictures are beautiful (although it was more picturesque when we were there "live") and the mountains in the background are the perfect setting! This truly is our little Paradise on earth...
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