Monday, October 27, 2008


My name is Eric and I am writing this because I recently became aware of one of the most despicable things I have ever heard of. I usually don't send things around like this, but I am so appalled at what may happen in Arizona that people need to know the truth. Those who take advantage of the desperate are now lying to avoid decency. If you care about those less fortunate than you, please read this and pass it to everyone that you know.

In Arizona there is a proposition on the ballot (Proposition 200) billed as the "Payday Loan Reform Act". The ads and all of the marketing make it sound like a "yes" vote will PERMANENTLY (remember this word 'permanently') pass reforms on Payday Lenders, making it harder for them to rip off the poor and unfortunate of Arizona. They tout various payment plans, loan agreements in English and Spanish, among other "reforms" which sound like they would do good.

The truth is that "Payday Loan Reform" is sponsored by Arizona Community Financial Services Association and Payday Lenders! I repeat, PAYDAY LENDERS! Why would they want to reform themselves? They are making more than 390% interest on a 2 week loan (which will more than likely last over 1 year before the principal is paid back!)

As Arizona law states currently, In 2010 Payday Lenders will be forced to adhere to a strict 36% interest rate cap like all other consumer lenders in Arizona. Compared to 390%... are you starting to see why Payday Lenders are getting nervous?

What Payday Lenders have done with their lobbyists is create a Proposition which, masked by 'permanent reforms', will PERMANENTLY extend their unique "sweetheart deal" to lend at whatever rate they want. And no one will ever be able to challenge them to lend responsibly at a 36% maximum EVER!

As we know, Payday Loans are mostly used by lower income families who, in some cases are also "Low information voters". These types of voters are easily persuaded by the 'Reform' buzzword of this voting season. And since the Payday Lenders have virtually limitless funds (which they continue to take from these families) they are producing misleading television and radio ads to persuade their clientele. THIS IS (as my mother-in-law says) SICK and WRONG!

My wife Jamie and I were both fooled by these ads until she saw "NO on PROP 200" from US Airways Credit Union. This obviously made us do some research and we were both appalled at what these predatory lenders are trying to pull.

I know that I was fooled and unfortunately, I can't imagine that everyone will have the opportunity to find out the truth by Nov. 4th. So, the more people that we spread the word to, the more tricked "yes" votes we can cancel out. And we might just be able to keep these sleazy lenders at bay.

I ask that you pass along this email to everyone that you know so that we can get the word out. Even if you don't live in Arizona or don't know anyone in Arizona please pass this along, people you know may have family or friends in Arizona and they will appreciate your effort.

Here is the most recent flier sponsored by the Payday Lenders and here is "No On 200"s factual corrections.

If this post has in any way offended you, I personally apologize. My wife and I have no political agenda here, we are only acting on our desire to protect people who are less fortunate than we are.


1 comment:

Brittney said...

here here! great info, thanks for taking the time to explain! i appreciate any extra insight that i can get! its so hard to research ALL the props, and understand them, so keep em commin!