My handsome boys wore matching outfits. They looked so handsome!! I know, not the most flattering picture. But this picture was taken on my birthday last year. This is me leaving our doctor's office and calling my mom to tell her that I'm officially pregnant!! We took the home pregnancy test on September 4th, 2007 and on my birthday last year we had our first doctor's appointment to confirm the pregnancy. We can't believe that a year ago we were just starting to dream and wonder about what our little angel would be like. That was such a special birthday present!!
Korina made me this crown. She's so sweet!! My head was too big though...
We had an amazing day yesterday. We are so blessed with amazing family and friends surrounding us. We had a pretty low key day but great nonetheless. The day started with some family cuddle time in bed. We brought Jarem in when he woke up and called his grandmas to let him talk to them. He is so vocal in the morning. I think he even muttered a "happy birthday mommy" in there. Wishful thinking... After family cuddle time, my mom came over and brought us breakfast. Jen wanted to cook for us (which would have been amazing cause she's one of the best cooks I know) but we just didn't want to leave the house. We instead hung out with mom for a little bit at the house before she headed out to get some work done. After that we napped and laid around the living room in quiet. It was so peaceful just being together and not needing to focus on TV or anything else. We could just hear the ticking of Jarem's swing and his heavy breathing. After that we woke up and got ready for lunch with the fam. We all met at Paradise Bakery for a late lunch before church. We had a good time and lots of laughs of course. The boys even snuck in a few football score checks here and there.
Being silly...and kind of scary now that I think of it. After lunch we went over to Jen and Bradley's house for dessert. Aunt Stef made me a yummy cookie cake and Jen provided the ice cream.
It was so much fun having everyone together and just relaxing at their house.
I love having them back in AZ!! It's still surreal to say, "Let's stop by Jen and Brad's house." We feel so spoiled having them here and getting to see the kids playing together!
After dessert we went to church and then got some more ice cream to take home. Karen, Uriel and Raf came over and stayed until Jarem's bed time. We are honestly so incredibly blessed to have them in our lives! We can't wait until Jarem can walk and play with Raf more. It was so cute cause Jarem was in his jumper and Raf kept coming over to play with him. They're such a great family!
All in all we had a great day focused on family and friends, the things we love most. Thank you so much Niki for driving all the way out there just to be with us for lunch. You're so good to us!!
Can't wait for our time to hang out. Thanks to everyone who called and texted me, too. My day felt so special and I couldn't thank God enough for all of our blessings while in mass. My amazing hubby does everything he can to make my day special and as always, he makes my life so amazing. Thank you Eric for planning the day and for giving me everything I needed. I loved hanging out with you and just being together with Jarem at home. I love you...
Monday, September 8, 2008
My birthday! 25 already?!?
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Happy BIRTHDAY MY DEAR!!!!!!!! WOW~ only 25? your so young still:) i just celebrated 29, that seems so old! i just love the family picture of you three at the bottom of the post, and eric and jarem posing together is JUST ADORABLE! you guys are one good lookin family! glad you had an awesome day, sounds like you were BUSY!
Thanks Jamie for the great pictures and diary of you and your great family. I can hardly believe that Jarem looks so grown! I love the way you count your blessings and praise your wonderful family. You and your family are the best! Grandma Rose
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