The title means I'm thinking of you in Japanese. (I think...) Tomorrow Rose, Linda and Grandma all leave for Japan. No, they're not going to compete on Season 2 of "I Survived a Japanese Game Show".
They are actually going to do some sightseeing, visit with family and enjoy a trip with grandma in her home town. They will be visiting Osaka, going to Nagoya, Shiga, Kyoto and Kobe. Kobe is where grandma is from.
We wish them very safe travels and a fun trip together. St. Christopher is the patron saint of travellers so we will be talking to him until you return home safely. Please take lots of pictures for us! Oh yeah, and one last request. Please come straight to Phoenix when you get back so we can see you! We miss you... Lots of love to these wonderful ladies in our lives.

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