Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Grammy!

For my mom's birthday (August 7th) we decided to go get portraits done of her and her grandbabies. We got all three kiddos ready and were there for some fun! The pictures came out great and are a crack up to look at. In most pictures, at least one of them is making a face or looking off into space. But there were a few really good ones that we ended up deciding on. I think the process of getting the pictures done is the fun part. LOL We also did a party for my mom at my Aunt Stef and Uncle Dale's house with all the family. She is such a good grammy and mommy and we are so lucky to have her close to us. The other part of my mom's present was that we got her tickets to two of her favorite things...Diamondbacks and Mercy Me! This Friday we are doing a girls' night. Jen, my mom and me are going to the Diamondbacks game and have seats in the All You Can Eat section. After the game, there is going to be a Mercy Me concert, too. I am really looking forward to it!! Happy Belated Birthday, Grammy. Love you!

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