Thursday we all three had dental appointments. Eric’s cousin Kacia did mine and Eric’s cleanings and then of course Rose saw us afterwards. We got the best cleaning from Kacia, as always, and felt squeaky clean! Rose gave us the good news that neither of us had any cavities. WOO HOO!!! After we were done, Jarem got his first ever dental check with his grandma. It was pretty quick but he did well, no crying. She even did a quick fluoride treatment to help prevent cavities. We really need to get better about brushing his teeth though. Oops…
Getting ready for his first ever dentist visit with Grandma Rose.

That evening I went to my first ever Yoga class. It was an all level drop-in class but since it was so beautiful out, only three other people showed up. All three of them were pretty advanced so I was in over my head. But I kept up pretty well and got a great stretch in most positions! I was pretty impressed with myself to be honest. It was very fun to try and although I think it would be good for me, I can’t see us affording Yoga on top of everything else. Let alone finding the time for me to go regularly. While I was at Yoga, Eric and Jarem went and met Eric’s dad again for dinner. His dad made homemade ribs and Eric said it was super yummy! After Jarem went down for bed we snuck out one more time on the segways. We rode across town to Baskin Robbins and got ice cream. When we got back to the house it was time for So You Think You Can Dance again. Perfect end to a fun day…
Friday we spent the morning packing and getting ready for Eric’s big ride! We loaded up Gary’s truck with all our stuff and were ready to hit the road.

Then Rose and Gary came and picked us up and we all headed to Seattle. Our first stop was the two story REI for them all to pick up their registration packets.
Jarem taking in all the sights of the REI store.
Jamie - I *LOVE* that picture of Jarem opening his mouth over yours to kiss you. That is hilarious! I LOL at that. Aaron has done it a couple of times too. ;)
Haha, I love the open mouthed kiss too! Love the blog!
omg, jarem is sooo adorable. i love his smile. i love his curly hair, i love how happy he was when he was done with his teeth cleaning. and that picture of him kissing eric is so sweet, and the opened mouth kiss he gave you...oh, its all so cute. i remember when libby used to give opened mouth kisses. love that slobber.
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