Well this weekend started off with a bang of fun, literally. We played rock band at the Padilla household until late. We had a blast and really rocked out! While playing at their house, I ran home with Jarem real fast to meet some other friends at our house for a little bit. While at our house, Jarem was getting pretty hungry while I was holding him. Julie and Spencer were about to leave so I was just going to wait to feed him until they left to avoid discomfort for our guests. Well Jarem was too hungry and wanted to let me know so he latched on to my chin and started sucking! By the time that I giggled, reacted and pulled him off, the damage was already done. He proceeded to latch on again a couple inches down on my jaw line. I now have two beautiful hickeys on my chin from Jarem. If it weren’t for the fact that Eric was at Karen and Uriel’s house it would look pretty funny. Luckily I have them to back my story that I left their house without them and returned with two hickeys on my chin. Too funny…
Saturday we went over to Scott’s house and hung out with H and Kristen. We played Yahtzee and put Jarem in their jumperoo while we played. HE LOVED IT! It’s similar to an exersaucer except he can jump and bounce. He was so cute in it and very happy. We decided we would try to find one on Craig’s list to buy. We left Scott’s house to find a Once Upon a Child store right across the street. Once Upon a Child is a second hand baby store. They have toys, beds, furniture, clothes, EVERYTHING! We stopped in there to see what they had and right in front of the door was a gently used jumperoo. WHAT LUCK?!? I know something so small may seem silly but I got tears in my eyes and very emotional when we found the jumperoo. God is so good to us. He places things in our lives for a reason and the luck of us finding the jumperoo on such an impromptu stop shows me that we’re on the right path in life and reminds me to trust His plan and path for us. I’m such a planner and organizer that it’s difficult to let go. But He finds small ways to remind me that he’s in control and will take care of us. God always provides and something small really made me feel very blessed. We’re very grateful…
Sunday was a very big day for Jarem. We got up in the morning and went to get pictures taken. Karen and Uriel are both amazing photographers and they were gonna go take pictures of Raf so they invited us to get pictures of Jarem. We went to this run down building out by our house that has been tagged and paint balled. We used the graffiti as our background. What amazing pictures!! Uriel did a great job with the pictures and these are some of our favorite pictures yet. 

After the warehouse we went to breakfast and then to Schnepf farms to take more pictures in the grass. SO CUTE! Raf and Jarem kissed at one point which was hilarious and now we have a good blackmail story for when they’re older. All in all the photo shoot was an amazing success and again we feel so blessed to have such great friends surrounding us. Uriel, Karen and Rafael are amazing friends and we love spending time together.

After church last night the entire family went to dinner at my Uncle Dale’s house. The girlies start school today so it was kind of a summer send off I guess. Well since Jarem is almost three months old we took him swimming for the first time. He did great! It was just like a big bath for him with lots of people joining him. He was Mr. Mellow and super relaxed when he got in the water. Toward the end he started to kick and move a little more but he never once cried. He’s such a good boy and really enjoyed being in the water. We can’t wait until next summer when he’s had swim lessons and will be able to be more active in the water.
Family dinner was really fun though and we love spending time with family and being so close to everyone. It’s great having Jen, Bradley and the kids back in AZ. Having them close by is another blessing that we appreciate and enjoy more each time we get to spend time together.
Well, other than feeling blessed and being thankful for such a great life, we’re staying busy and trying to get sleep whenever possible. Jarem is doing great at daycare and has been sleeping a solid 6 hours straight each night. Friday night we had him sleep in his own bedroom for the first time. He did great so we’re now going to keep him in his bedroom which is quite a transition for me. He’s growing up so fast it’s amazing. But he’s a great baby and knows how to make us feel happy. His little coos, smiles and perfectly content personality definitely make us think about baby #2. But for now we’ll keep enjoying this big boy and focus our love and kisses on him.

Well, other than feeling blessed and being thankful for such a great life, we’re staying busy and trying to get sleep whenever possible. Jarem is doing great at daycare and has been sleeping a solid 6 hours straight each night. Friday night we had him sleep in his own bedroom for the first time. He did great so we’re now going to keep him in his bedroom which is quite a transition for me. He’s growing up so fast it’s amazing. But he’s a great baby and knows how to make us feel happy. His little coos, smiles and perfectly content personality definitely make us think about baby #2. But for now we’ll keep enjoying this big boy and focus our love and kisses on him.
1 comment:
what a weekend for you guys!
you really are so blessed, i love your posts, you always seem so grateful for everything, its refreshing.
as for the jumperoo, that is so awesome you got a good deal on it! i paid full price, but i love once apon a child, i have gotten a few things from there for libby as well. and may end up selling things to them after we are done with baby stuff!
it was hard when i put libby in her bed for the first time as well, she did better than i did for sure! ha.
well, sounds like life is treating you well.
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