Thursday, July 31, 2008


Jarem has been so exhausted from playing so hard at daycare. We think he's also going through another growth spurt although at 16 pounds we're not sure how much bigger he can get. He's eating a lot and very healthy. A couple nights ago we were trying to keep him awake until 8pm so that we could all go to bed early. Well he was absolutely exhausted and falling asleep in Eric's arms. Since he's not the biggest fan of tummy time we decided that we would lie him down on his tummy to help wake him up some. Here's the result of that...not exactly what we had planned. He's been sleeping a full six hours at night and is sleeping in his own bedroom in his crib. He's such a big boy and an amazing baby. We are so lucky to have such a great little boy. He smiles like crazy and loves talking with daddy. Eric and I started carpooling again and it's AWESOME! Eric rides with Jarem in the back and plays with him while I drive. I'm so jealous that Eric gets to sit in the back and play with him so much but with my car sickness it's just not an option. I've tried many times to make it work with me in the back but I just feel horrible within 5 minutes. Having two hours of family time together in the car is fun. We talk and sing and play. Eric is such an amazing daddy. We put in a mirror on the back seat so that I can watch them play in my rear view mirror. Very cool!

Jarem's teachers at daycare sent us some pictures of him that they've taken over the past week. I think he is so handsome and loved getting more pictures of my cute little boy. Enjoy...
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cousin fun

My Uncle Mark and Aunt Amy came to visit AZ on Tuesday. I didn't even know they were coming to town so it was an awesome surprise! I was driving home from work when Tita called to tell me they were all at her house. Jen, Bradley and the kids also went over there and then my mom stopped by on her way home so we had a big, impromptu family get together at Tita and Tito's house. Kaylie and Lindsey are so beautiful and growing up so fast. They had fun holding and kissing Jarem. Jacob wasn't feeling too good after dinner so he was pretty mellow and played with Braden and Emma. It was so much fun having the family together to hang out. They were lucky enough to miss the earthquake since they were driving here.We just hope their kitties are okay back in California. ... Full Post...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Another blessed weekend

Well this weekend started off with a bang of fun, literally. We played rock band at the Padilla household until late. We had a blast and really rocked out! While playing at their house, I ran home with Jarem real fast to meet some other friends at our house for a little bit. While at our house, Jarem was getting pretty hungry while I was holding him. Julie and Spencer were about to leave so I was just going to wait to feed him until they left to avoid discomfort for our guests. Well Jarem was too hungry and wanted to let me know so he latched on to my chin and started sucking! By the time that I giggled, reacted and pulled him off, the damage was already done. He proceeded to latch on again a couple inches down on my jaw line. I now have two beautiful hickeys on my chin from Jarem. If it weren’t for the fact that Eric was at Karen and Uriel’s house it would look pretty funny. Luckily I have them to back my story that I left their house without them and returned with two hickeys on my chin. Too funny…
Saturday we went over to Scott’s house and hung out with H and Kristen. We played Yahtzee and put Jarem in their jumperoo while we played. HE LOVED IT! It’s similar to an exersaucer except he can jump and bounce. He was so cute in it and very happy. We decided we would try to find one on Craig’s list to buy. We left Scott’s house to find a Once Upon a Child store right across the street. Once Upon a Child is a second hand baby store. They have toys, beds, furniture, clothes, EVERYTHING! We stopped in there to see what they had and right in front of the door was a gently used jumperoo. WHAT LUCK?!? I know something so small may seem silly but I got tears in my eyes and very emotional when we found the jumperoo. God is so good to us. He places things in our lives for a reason and the luck of us finding the jumperoo on such an impromptu stop shows me that we’re on the right path in life and reminds me to trust His plan and path for us. I’m such a planner and organizer that it’s difficult to let go. But He finds small ways to remind me that he’s in control and will take care of us. God always provides and something small really made me feel very blessed. We’re very grateful…
Sunday was a very big day for Jarem. We got up in the morning and went to get pictures taken. Karen and Uriel are both amazing photographers and they were gonna go take pictures of Raf so they invited us to get pictures of Jarem. We went to this run down building out by our house that has been tagged and paint balled. We used the graffiti as our background. What amazing pictures!! Uriel did a great job with the pictures and these are some of our favorite pictures yet. After the warehouse we went to breakfast and then to Schnepf farms to take more pictures in the grass. SO CUTE! Raf and Jarem kissed at one point which was hilarious and now we have a good blackmail story for when they’re older. All in all the photo shoot was an amazing success and again we feel so blessed to have such great friends surrounding us. Uriel, Karen and Rafael are amazing friends and we love spending time together.
After church last night the entire family went to dinner at my Uncle Dale’s house. The girlies start school today so it was kind of a summer send off I guess. Well since Jarem is almost three months old we took him swimming for the first time. He did great! It was just like a big bath for him with lots of people joining him. He was Mr. Mellow and super relaxed when he got in the water. Toward the end he started to kick and move a little more but he never once cried. He’s such a good boy and really enjoyed being in the water. We can’t wait until next summer when he’s had swim lessons and will be able to be more active in the water.
Family dinner was really fun though and we love spending time with family and being so close to everyone. It’s great having Jen, Bradley and the kids back in AZ. Having them close by is another blessing that we appreciate and enjoy more each time we get to spend time together.

Well, other than feeling blessed and being thankful for such a great life, we’re staying busy and trying to get sleep whenever possible. Jarem is doing great at daycare and has been sleeping a solid 6 hours straight each night. Friday night we had him sleep in his own bedroom for the first time. He did great so we’re now going to keep him in his bedroom which is quite a transition for me. He’s growing up so fast it’s amazing. But he’s a great baby and knows how to make us feel happy. His little coos, smiles and perfectly content personality definitely make us think about baby #2. But for now we’ll keep enjoying this big boy and focus our love and kisses on him.
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I donated to Uncover the cure

Good morning and good Monday! (Yes I know “good Monday” is an oxymoron… but it fit, so enjoy it)

I just donated $10 to Uncover the Cure, a cancer run. My friend and employee, Janell Wood has been asking for donations for months and my $10 dollars today is the first towards her goal of $300. (Her email message is below) Can you help her cause by visiting the personal page / donation link or forwarding this email to those who care about finding a cure for cancer? If you decide to do one or the other or both, Awesome… Let’s help Janell get her to her goal!

Click here to visit her personal page and donate.
If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:


Read Janell's message after the jump

A message from Janell Wood
Dear Friend,

So you might remember a letter I sent you about stripping down and uncovering a cure for cancers below the waist. I bet you don't get letters like that every day!

Well, I'm more dedicated than ever. I'm going out in my fabulous new purple multi-polka dot boxers, and I can only begin to imagine what others will be wearing. We'll all walk or run in The Underwear Affair, and at the end of the day, we'll know that we're making a huge difference for these awful diseases.

The only reason that huge difference is possible is because of the generosity of wonderful donors who care as much about this cause as I do. So I hope that you'll make a donation to help us all get to the finish line. When we win this race, it means people won't have to suffer through prostate cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer ... and the list goes on.

I've raised yet to raise any money (the only member left to raise the necessary $300). That's money that goes directly to help City of Hope uncover a cure. Please help me go the distance to my goal of $300. And send this note to all of your friends, family and coworkers. We're all in this together. When we kick cancers 'down there' to the curb, everyone wins the race.

Thanks so much for your generous donation!

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Dance Machine


Okay, so Jamie and I met at a dance club... We choreographed our own wedding dance... Heck, we even went out dancing on New Year's Eve (when Jamie was 5 months pregnant - Boy did we get a bunch of strange looks that night!)

Well we thought that it was inevitable that our boy would be a dance machine, and by the looks of things so far... we're right! The other night Jamie got out the camera while I was playing with Jarem, and she caught the coolest sequense of shots. So, being the photoshop geek that I am... I strung them together for your enjoyment!

Dancing Boy... Turn up your speakers, it's even better with the music!!!

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I survived

With the help of great co-workers and family and friends who checked on me throughout the day, I made it through my first day back at work. I only got tears in my eyes twice and they were good tears. The first time it happened was because after looking for my computer tower (mass confusion with the move during my absence) and successfully finding it, I logged on and was surprised to find an ultrasound picture of Jarem. I should have remembered it was there since I stared at it for almost 7 months but it caught me so off guard that I got emotional and got a couple tears in my eyes. It's so weird to look back at those pictures and remember that only a few short months ago he was in my belly and I had so many questions about what he would be like. Well now I know the answers. HE'S AMAZING! Whatever the question it can pretty much be answered with that one one phrase.

The second time I got teared up is when I read this awesome email about moms. I received it from a co-worker a while back for Mother's Day. Reading it today for the first time was perfect. It helped me remember why Eric and I work so hard. It made me feel proud that I am a mom. My favorite line talked about the amazing joy and satisfaction that I feel from feeding a hungry baby. Boy is that true.

My amazing co-worker Kathi also helped start my day off right. She brought me some flowers and the biggest box of tissues I have ever seen, just in case. :) She is so thoughtful and supportive. I'm very lucky to have such awesome co-workers welcome me back.

My mom got off work around 11:30 and picked up Jarem by noon. Kind of a funny story though. My mom and Jarem came to meet me for lunch. I got in the car and was ecstatic to be with my boy (grammy too). We got to Samurai Sam's and when getting out of the car I asked my mom where the diaper bag was. Her jaw dropped as she realized that she had forgotten it at Kindercare. Oops! She made the joke that we'd be fine as long as he didn't poop. She planned to stop on the way home and pick it up. Well, we get in to Samurai Sam's, order, get our food and I hold Jarem as I start to eat. All of a sudden, there's a large rumble from down under. HE POOPED! HAH!! What luck?!? We put lids on our food and rushed to the car. We were going to run to Food City to buy some diapers and wipes before it leaked out everywhere. But luckily the amazing Jarem fell asleep as soon as we got in the car. He zonked out. So instead my mom just dropped me back off at work and continued to his daycare where she had diapers, wipes, spare outfits, a changing table, the works! Too funny...

All in all I had a great day and was beyond excited to get home. Jarem greeted me with smiles and love. Eric also gave me sweet kisses to welcome me home. His support and love makes life so great. He's so amazing because he got me a card and some flowers for surviving my first day back. He's absolutely the best and speaks my favorite language, love. I love my boys and am feeling pretty great today. Life is so good and I can't believe how immensely blessed we are. God truly provides and guides our lives. I feel great about our decisions and am really okay with childcare since I trust that Jarem is getting as much love as possible even when mommy and daddy are at work.
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Hi ho, Hi ho, it's off to work I go...


Well, back to work. I am at my desk and no one else is here yet. I would get to work except I don't even know where to start. I can't find the boxes with all my stuff. That's right, I said boxes. I have come back to a completely different place. While I was on maternity leave my boss changed, my office changed, my co-workers changed, and even the parking lot looks different.

I'll be short and quick since I'm here at work and probably should get to it. Jarem is doing great at daycare. He's the best baby ever and all the teachers love him. The only bad thing is that I think he's getting a cold. :( I'm sad he might have gotten sick that fast but my positive spin on it is that he's building his immune system to be strong. He was coughing and sneezed a couple times this morning. Poor little guy...

My mom is taking a half day today and will pick-up Jarem for us. If he's doing good she'll bring him by my work so that he can give me that last little bit of energy to get through the end of the day. 3:30pm is looking pretty far away at this point. Normally at 3:30pm I would be anxiously awaiting Eric to walk in the door from work. What a change. Now the boys will be at home waiting for mommy to come home. I can't wait to give them both big hugs and kisses tonight.

Last thing that I absolutely have to write about is that the best thing about daycare is that Jarem now sleeps through the night! His first day at school he was SO TIRED that he slept the entire night. He did the same thing last night, too. It's not major bragging yet cause sleeping through the night is from about 9 or 9:30pm until 3:30 or 4am. But that's good enough since we get up at 3:45am to start getting ready for work. He's on the perfect schedule for us. He's such a great little boy!!! Man oh man do I love him and miss him. Well, I'm going to go to the bathroom to pump since no one is here still. More to come later...

Oh, before I forget, here's the best part about my new desk- Check out my view!

(Yes that is Camelback mountain in the background!)

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Baby goes to daycare: Episode 3


What a wonderful experience we had on our first day at KinderCare! When I went in to pick up baby J, the teacher had him cuddled close and was feeding him a bottle. All of the other kids (including baby Raf) were all lined up in their baby high chairs, eating snack and staring at me like, "Who's THAT guy?". It was such a fun place for the babies and Jarem looked like he was really enjoying his time. (Wait I forgot... my baby LOVES anywhere that there's food!)

I also want to say that Momma J did a wonderful job yesterday... She kept herself busy by finishing up some projects around the house and fielding enough supportive phone calls and text messages to drain her phone battery. By the way, thank you to everyone who sent her some love... She was in tears yesterday at the outpouring of support from friends and family... You helped her get through the roughest day!

Click the link to see the joyous reunion!

When I opened the front door, after ignoring the, "Where are you??" text message... I'm not quite sure what happened... I just remember a SCREAM, a streaking red object, and before I knew it, Jarem's car seat was no longer in my hand, but across the room on the couch with Jamie hovering over it, unbuckling faster than I imagine Houdini would. Needless to say, it was a wonderful experience watching her face light up when I came home. The problem was that I didn't get a "hi" or a kiss until 15 minutes later ;)

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Baby goes to Daycare: Episode 2

So grammy gave Jamie a wonderful sigh of relief... She's visiting baby Jarem for her lunch break! "Aww grammy, thanks for giving me love on my first day at school."

I haven't talked with her on the phone, I'm going to let her enjoy baby J and then gush to Jamie first... She did get send a picture to me (which I've got posted!!!). As soon as I get a report from grammy, I'll try to get a post up. However, with the timing... I might be at the daycare by then and hanging out with my boy myself! In which case... you're goin to have to wait! (no offense ;)

Okay, so seriously, this is the cutest picture I've seen in a LONG time!!! Thank you so much Karla, this one brought tears to my eyes. I can't wait to pick him up!!!

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Baby goes to Daycare: Episode 1

So as I write this, Jamie is hanging out with Jarem and the Assistant Director of the Ahwatukee KinderCare. In fact, I was just on the phone with her and she was telling me that Jarem was having a blast in an excersaucer bouncy toy.

Suddenly Jamie had to rush off of the phone. Apparently Jarem was having so much fun in the exersaucer, that he spit up everywhere! I wish I got that excited about life!

Jamie will probably spend an hour there at the center making sure that they treat him right and understand the notes that we have for him. And you know the funny thing... I didn't think that I would be, but I find myself VERY nervous... not that they're going to mistreat him... but, I don't know, there's something VERY comforting about Jamie taking such good care of him at home.

I think I'm most nervous about Jamie. She's had the last 90 days off of work and has focused all of her time and energy on keeping our baby happy and healthy. (And when I mean healthy, I mean 15 lbs. 6 ozs.) She has done such a wonderful job with Jarem and now she has to go back to work. A job she loves, but it can't compare to loving on our baby all day long! She's been such an amazing mother these past 12 weeks and I have no doubt in my m
ind that she'll be amazing in this new chapter of our life.

Obviously... more later... but here's a picture that she just sent me... Apparently he's tuckered out after the bouncing (and spitting up).


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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Something New

Since Jamie and I happen to be fairly verbose when it comes to blogging, I've noticed that our posts get quite LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG. I can't imagine what it's like for you to have to read so much of our joyful ranting line after line... especially if all you want to do is show a certain picture to a co-worker. So I've finally figured out how to ease your stress.

All of our posts from now on will be truncated like this so that you won't have to scroll as much to get the post that you want. It'll take me a while to get this ironed out through out all of our past posts, but stick with me... We'll make it happen.

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Another Day, Another Million Smiles

Today was one of those days that make people move to the Seattle area. Amazing weather, amazing views, and best yet... amazing people to spend time with.

We started the day by having a family walk to St. Michael's Church in Olympia for the 7:30am mass. Jarem slept through most of mass, but still managed to collect compliments as if he were passing around a basket. It was a beautiful service at a beautiful church.

My mom decided a few weeks ago to throw a "Bailey Family Grandchild" event which turned into a picnic with 30 guests. We had SUCH a blast it was insane. We arrived at the park at noon and didn't wind up leaving until 9:00pm (when the sun was just starting to go down).

I would normally insert some silly anecdote or nonsensical joke, but today was literally so beautiful that there is no way to describe it. Enjoy the photos...

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Saturday, July 12, 2008



So this is what 8:30pm looks like at latitude 47. (Seattle-ish, for those who don't comprendo the lat n long-o).
Crazy huh? ... Full Post...

Friday, July 11, 2008

Washington Days 0,1 and 2

Holy Moly we've had a blast thus far. I can't believe how alert Jarem has been during this trip. I'm guessing that there is just so much for him to see, hear and smell, that he's just loving life.

First let me start by saying that our son is an AMAZING travel partner! He was awake for takeoff and offered not a single peep. And as soon as we leveled out, he passed out for 2 hours! After that we hung out in the back with the flight attendants until it was time to descend, and he passed right back out. Not a single cry the entire 3 hour flight. I hope that it will be as smooth on the way home.

Yesterday (well now two days ago since it took me over an hour to get the photos loaded properly) ... Yesterday we started pretty casual, Jamie got her teeth cleaned by the best dental hygienist in the country (props to Cuz/Auntie Kacia!), then she got a one hour massage! The problem is that her back was so tight before the massage, she feels WORSE now. hmmm, I don't think that was the intention.

Anyway, after she had hers I let her take a nap with Jarem while I got my massage. It didn't compare to the ones that Jamie gives me when she wants me to do something for her, but I did fall asleep a few times.

The funny thing is that when I came back upstairs, I found her passed out and Jarem lying next to her... but instead of sleeping, our little boy was having a deep conversation with the vent on the ceiling. He was really getting into it... his arms were flailing and his legs were kicking... I can only assume that they were discussing the rising cost of oil and the immense impact it has had to steer our country into an economic downturn. Either that or he had gas... but I am sure it had something to do with gas.

Anyway, my mom came in just behind me and joined Jarem on the bed and started to read him a story. Apparently she didn't think that his choice of discussion topics suited his age, so she picked up "Here Comes Grandma". He stared at the book while she was reading, then at her when she was looking at him, then back to the book. It was incredible. It was as if he was reading along with her.

After story time we went over to Great-Aunt Linda's house for some fresh salmon BBQ... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (yeah, it was that good!)
Well it was the first time that Great-Grandma Haruko got to meet Jarem, and boy did she have a blast. In fact, Jarem smiled bigger than I've EVER seen him smile when she was speaking Japanese to him. It was wonderful. I tried to take a video, but I'm not sure how well it turned out. When I get home, I'll try to post it.

After dinner Linda and I went on a cruise in her 350z mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (yeah, it was that good!)
She took me to the newest golf course in Washington which is currently home to one of the most spectacular views I've ever seen, and well play host to the US Open in a few years. (That's a REALLY Big Deal). I tried to get a photo as soon as we got there because the sun was going down, but somehow I was pocket dialing someone and then my phone froze up, and it was a mess. Anyway, I did get a shot, but it's a little dark. I'll make sure that I come back and get a better one the next time we're in town.

Day 2
(I'll bet you're getting board huh?)
I'll wrap it up quickly to give Jamie something to blog about (And so that I can go to bed). We went to Pike Place Market in Seattle and had a BLAST! We also did a BUNCH more as you can tel by the photos below. Oh man, I almost slammed my head into the desk doing the "sleepy head-banger" (you know when you get tired, try to fight it, and end up jerking your heavy head back and forth on your neck?). Okay, I'm going to retire for the night, you'll get more post later I promise... in the mean time... enjoy the pics.

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Baby's 1st flight


Its so cute. Let's see how takeoff goes... Oops, we're pushing back. Gotta turn off the cell!


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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Our little boy!


I couldn't resist posting this picture from dinner tonight. He's so cute.
We had a great weekend with Grandma in town! I'll write more later and share more fun pix.
E ... Full Post...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

What an amazing year!

On Monday we celebrated our one year anniversary. Like Eric said, it may not have been what we expected but it sure has been full of love and blessings. Not many people get to celebrate their first anniversary with their new baby. It was an awesome day and I appreciate Eric so much. He's such a great husband and the nicest person in the whole world. LITERALLY! I've never felt so loved and appreciated by another person. He's my partner and my teammate. Life is so much better with him and that's because he chooses to make life great. He wakes up everyday with a huge smile and so energetic for life. He gives me so much confidence in myself and protection from negativity. He kisses me everyday and most importantly, he tells me he loves me all the time. He prays with me and helps me with my relationship with God. I never doubt his love and it's crazy to think that he loves me even more than I thought possible. Standing on the altar on our wedding day I thought that was the best that life could get. But that was only the beginning. I love Eric more today that I did on our wedding day and can't imagine how much more I will love him over the next 84 years. He was so supportive and encouraging during the pregnancy. He truly is my mate and does just as much for Jarem if not more that I do. He wakes up at night and holds Jarem at dinnertime so I can eat first. He changes diapers, pee or poop. He doesn't flinch when Jarem spits up all over him. He doesn't get embarrassed or shy and isn't too cool to carry the diaper bag or my purse. I love him more than I can ever express on this little blog here but hopefully you all can appreciate him and all he does. He keeps me going in life and keeps me happy. My life and Jarem's life are both so much better because of him. I love you Eric!!

As for Monday, I woke up to my favorite present of all... Eric shaved his head, completely bald! I know most people say his hair is always short but I love it when he shaves his head bald. So handsome!! He took a picture of himself and made a cute photo card for me. Your first anniversary is paper so most of our presents revolved around that theme. Eric went to work for the day and I stayed him with Jarem and babysat my nephew Braden. I'd been having some problems throughout the weekend and decided to call my doctor on Monday morning. It turned out that they wanted me to come in for an appointment. Eric was planning to get off work early to hang out with us at home but those plans changed a little. Instead he came home and went with my to my doctor's appointment. Everything turned out fine but it was good to get checked and make sure.

After my doctor appointment we both had to finish a little shopping so Eric went to Target and I went to Wal-Mart. We came back home and went in separate rooms to finish our presents. No shame in admitting it because we both knew that we had no time to prepare with how the day had taken a weird change in events with my doctor's appointment and all. When we came back together my part of the present exchange began. I loaded the car with goodies and had Eric close his eyes. I drove him to our neighborhood park and we had a family picnic. I know that may not sound so nice when it's 108 degrees out but it was so awesome! We laid in the shade on a blanket and ate dinner on paper plates. Jarem was awake and playing with us. He smiles a lot now so we played with him and really enjoyed our first family picnic together.

Afterwards we came home and Eric changed a poopy diaper. :) While he was changing Jarem's diaper I was setting the stage for the next present. I set the dinner table with some goodies for Eric to commemorate some wedding memories. I played our song "Somos Novios" on the computer and Eric came into the dining room. The table was set with our wedding cake, decorated with our cake topper and all. I had set out our knives that we got as a present. They are engraved and we also have the matching goblets also engraved. We danced to our song with Jarem between us and then enjoyed dessert. It's funny cause at the wedding the only cake we ate is the one bite we fed to each other for pictures. It was AMAZING getting to eat such yummy cake and enjoy every bite. I don't usually eat cake but this cake tasted fantastic! We made a good choice.

The next thing I had planned was for us to have a movie night. I had the movie already prompted and ready to go. I pushed play and we watched our wedding video. The ceremony gave both of us chills and even a few tears for me. We sang all the songs and cuddled while we watched our wedding day all over again. Eric was so handsome in his tux and his smile was HUGE! Watching him cry as I came down the aisle brought back so many memories. The best day of my life. That day began the biggest year in my life. We got married, bought a house, bought a car, both got new jobs, got kitties, and the biggest and best change, we had Jarem.


After the video Eric gave me my presents. The first present is a picture to hang in our house. The words on the picture are almost exactly quoted from our second reading that we used at our wedding. Very special. He wrote a special message on the back of the picture so we will never forget where it came from. It's fun to think that each time we move or redecorate we'll find that message and smile. The second present I got from Eric was a book full of all kinds of puzzles. He knew that I get bored while feeding Jarem so he got me a book to keep me occupied and also to help keep my brain growing. It helps expand parts of your brain that you don't usually use. It's so addicting! I've stayed up the past two nights doing puzzles until way too late. But it's very fun! Eric also got me some clear mascara which may sound silly but it's the only piece of make-up (other than chapstick) that I wear everyday. My crazy curly hair always needs taming and it's the only thing that works.

The night ended with one last present from me. I got us a journal to start writing in. It's not an everyday journal, it's an Anniversary Journal. We'll write in it each year on our anniversary and describe what we did and what we got each other. It's a cool way for us to remember all the special years and memories that we share. Every anniversary is special and we don't want to forget one single year. So we'll write in our journal and then we will never forget. It's a cool tradition to start on our first anniversary.

Well, I'll definitely be writing more soon. I have tons more that I want to write. But Rose is about to get here and I can't wait to see her! Night...

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

It's Our Anniversary

WOW, One year down, Eighty-four more to go!

What an amazing annivesary... Very different than what we planned, but amazing none the less. When it all boils down, if I get to spend the day with my beautiful wife and son, what else can I wish for?

Jamie will probably write a lot more about it later, I just wanted you to know how happy I am! Happy anniversary Mia.

E ... Full Post...