Memorial Day is a time to remember our soldiers who have served and who are currently serving our country in the military. Both Eric and I have cousins currently serving in the military. Eric's cousin John is stationed in Iraq and my cousin Kory is in Boot Camp to become a Marine. We are so proud of both of them and incredibly grateful for their dedication. We think of both of our cousins often and are wishing them the best. We send prayers for active duty soldiers everywhere and ask for their comfort, safety and continued strength. The duty they provide our country is astounding and we both feel blessed to know these two outstanding soldiers. They both love receiving letters and support, not just on Memorial Day. If you would like to send either or both of them letters of support and encouragement let me know. I have their contact information.
Hopefully everyone had a safe and fun weekend.
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
My personal American Idol
I know everyone has been caught up in the controversy of who won American Idol this week. But we weren't. During the finale we were busy watching our our personal American Idol perform for us live. My cousin Josee has the most beautiful voice and we got to watch her sing at her school's Broadway Revue. She sang Popular from Wicked and did such an amazing job! She is only 14 and we can't wait for her to be old enough to audition for AI. She makes us so proud! Great job, Josee! Thanks for pulling me up on stage with you to dance. :) Enjoy the video and be sure to watch til the end when she nails the high note!
This is Josee singing the National Anthem from this week, too.
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This is Josee singing the National Anthem from this week, too.
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Thursday, May 21, 2009
Splash Pad!!!
So on Tuesday Jen took the kiddos to the zoo for some fun. We got Jarem's sunscreen on first thing in the morning and dropped him off ready for a day of fun. I am so sad that I missed Jarem's first time ever going in the splash pad but I love seeing all the pictures. I can tell that he definitely loved it and had a blast! He must have been so proud running around with all the big kids. Eric snuck out for a little bit while they were there to take these pictures. He got some really great shots! Jarem's swim shorts were too long and so they opted to just let him run around in his swim diaper. I'm sure Jarem didn't mind since he got to see his 'Melmo'. :) He loves those swim diapers with Elmo on them!
We've been trying to plan what we want to do with our backyard landscaping. We're thinking of trying to make our own splash pad in the backyard. That way Jarem (and any future babies) can cool off and play without us having to worry too much about drowning. It's still a work in progress but we'll keep you updated. At least for now we know that Jarem would have fun with it and love playing in it! Enjoy the pix... Thanks for taking them, E!
Wet snuggles from Auntie Jen.
This is Jarem's new smile. We crack up cause we think it's a combination of smiling and ojitos. We love it!
So happy!
What happens if I step on it?
Hold your breath!!
I love those long eyelashes!
Great picture!!!

Jarem loves playing with his cousins!!!
Oops, too close. Gotcha right in the face!

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We've been trying to plan what we want to do with our backyard landscaping. We're thinking of trying to make our own splash pad in the backyard. That way Jarem (and any future babies) can cool off and play without us having to worry too much about drowning. It's still a work in progress but we'll keep you updated. At least for now we know that Jarem would have fun with it and love playing in it! Enjoy the pix... Thanks for taking them, E!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Play Date
On Sunday, before we went swimming at my aunt and uncle's house, our neighbor Jason stopped by and asked if we wanted to take Jarem to the park with them. We were so excited because they have twin daughters that are just a couple of months older than Jarem. We have been wanting to get the three of them together for play dates since we live right next door to each other and our kids are so close in age. We run into each other frequently but have never really had time together for the kids to just play. We lathered Jarem up in his sunscreen real fast and threw his hat on. Eric grabbed the camera and they were out the door and off to the park for Jarem's first official play date. Jarem gets to play everyday with his cousins while my sister Jen watches him. And Jarem also gets to play with his good friend Raf, too. But this was different since it was girls. Haha... In any case, the dads took the kids down to our neighborhood park and had some fun in the sun. Here are a few pictures of Jessica, Jamie and Jarem playing. (Try to say that three times fast!) Thanks for stopping by, Jason. We hope to hang out again soon!

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Monday, May 18, 2009
Weekend Recap
Eric and I were talking yesterday about how much our quality of life has improved since he has weekends off again. He was working Tuesday through Saturday but has recently switched his schedule back to Monday through Friday. Now every weekend feels like a 3-day weekend. It is amazing how long the weekend feels when we get so much time together. This weekend was no different and was so much fun!
Friday evening we spent the night at our friend’s house. We did dinner at their house and then put Raf and Jarem to bed. Once the boys were asleep, Karen, Uriel, Eric and I played cards and hung out. None of us ever drink so we made some margaritas and mixed drinks and hung out until about midnight before we all were too exhausted to play any more games. It was so much fun though just hanging out in their living room and playing cards. We love hanging out with Karen and Uriel so much and love that we have a couple that lives so close and we get along so well with. We also love that Jarem and Raf are so close in age and play so well together. We spent the night even though we only live a couple streets down just to make sure we were being safe and smart. It doesn’t take much for us to be drunk since we rarely drink. We were up with Jarem at 5:30am on Saturday and were home by 6:30am. We decided to go for a nice walk and check out the neighborhood garage sales when we got home. Saturday mornings are just beautiful! We didn’t get anything at the sales but enjoyed being out before it got too hot.
When we got home Jarem and I took a nice long nap together while Eric worked on our yard and fixed our sprinkler system. After that he went over to my mom’s house and worked on her yard. He is so awesome! I love that he helps my mom out since she lives by herself. I appreciate him so much for working so hard and being out in that gross heat. He is so helpful and does so much for my mom. I love that and I know how much she appreciates it, too. Thanks babe!!
That evening my beautiful cousins had a choir concert at the Orpheum theatre in Downtown. We were able to have Jarem take a late nap and he slept through most of the concert which was nice. The songs were sung perfectly by the choir. The Phoenix Children’s Choir is truly amazing. These kids are all so talented! My cousins looked great and the singing was amazing, too. After their concert we went to Baja Fresh for dinner. It was such a fun evening with the family!
Sunday we spent the morning around the house before heading over to my aunt and uncle’s house for an afternoon swim. We took Jarem in the pool and tried to get some pictures but the camera battery died. We only got a few quick pictures in. Bummer… Jarem stayed in the pool for almost an hour playing. The water was perfect! After about an hour I laid Jarem down for a nap in the house and then we all stayed in the pool and played volleyball. Aunt Stef, Korina and I beat Eric, Josee and Chloe. It was a close game but we pulled off the win.

That's right! My hat says I love Jarem!! My sister made it for Jarem's party. I love it!
We went straight to church from their house and had an early evening last night. I was absolutely exhausted after being in the sun and went to bed at 8:30. It felt so nice and yet I still feel tired today. Maybe I can catch up more on sleep next weekend since it’s Memorial Day weekend. Probably not since we’ll be going to the No Doubt concert but it’s worth a try.
Here are some pictures from the choir concert on Saturday evening.

Jarem had so much fun playing with my Uncle Dale (his godfather). They were both cracking up. It was cute watching them play!

My grandparents, Tita and Tito. We don't have many pictures of them and we love this one!
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Friday evening we spent the night at our friend’s house. We did dinner at their house and then put Raf and Jarem to bed. Once the boys were asleep, Karen, Uriel, Eric and I played cards and hung out. None of us ever drink so we made some margaritas and mixed drinks and hung out until about midnight before we all were too exhausted to play any more games. It was so much fun though just hanging out in their living room and playing cards. We love hanging out with Karen and Uriel so much and love that we have a couple that lives so close and we get along so well with. We also love that Jarem and Raf are so close in age and play so well together. We spent the night even though we only live a couple streets down just to make sure we were being safe and smart. It doesn’t take much for us to be drunk since we rarely drink. We were up with Jarem at 5:30am on Saturday and were home by 6:30am. We decided to go for a nice walk and check out the neighborhood garage sales when we got home. Saturday mornings are just beautiful! We didn’t get anything at the sales but enjoyed being out before it got too hot.
When we got home Jarem and I took a nice long nap together while Eric worked on our yard and fixed our sprinkler system. After that he went over to my mom’s house and worked on her yard. He is so awesome! I love that he helps my mom out since she lives by herself. I appreciate him so much for working so hard and being out in that gross heat. He is so helpful and does so much for my mom. I love that and I know how much she appreciates it, too. Thanks babe!!
That evening my beautiful cousins had a choir concert at the Orpheum theatre in Downtown. We were able to have Jarem take a late nap and he slept through most of the concert which was nice. The songs were sung perfectly by the choir. The Phoenix Children’s Choir is truly amazing. These kids are all so talented! My cousins looked great and the singing was amazing, too. After their concert we went to Baja Fresh for dinner. It was such a fun evening with the family!
Sunday we spent the morning around the house before heading over to my aunt and uncle’s house for an afternoon swim. We took Jarem in the pool and tried to get some pictures but the camera battery died. We only got a few quick pictures in. Bummer… Jarem stayed in the pool for almost an hour playing. The water was perfect! After about an hour I laid Jarem down for a nap in the house and then we all stayed in the pool and played volleyball. Aunt Stef, Korina and I beat Eric, Josee and Chloe. It was a close game but we pulled off the win.
We went straight to church from their house and had an early evening last night. I was absolutely exhausted after being in the sun and went to bed at 8:30. It felt so nice and yet I still feel tired today. Maybe I can catch up more on sleep next weekend since it’s Memorial Day weekend. Probably not since we’ll be going to the No Doubt concert but it’s worth a try.
Here are some pictures from the choir concert on Saturday evening.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
No Doubt
So yesterday morning I was on our favorite morning radio show and won tickets to go see No Doubt in concert next weekend! I can't wait to compare stories with Gwen Stefani about being a working mommy. We can share pregnancy stories too since Jarem is only a couple months older than Zuma. :) Well, maybe we don't get to meet but either way I'm so excited to go to the concert! It's a week from today and is going to be so much fun!!! You can listen to a clip of me on the radio here.
Click on Remember The Time from May 15th. ... Full Post...
Click on Remember The Time from May 15th. ... Full Post...
Friday, May 15, 2009
¿Dónde está la lengua?
This is my new favorite question to ask Jarem!!! It means “Where is your tongue?” in Spanish. When we ask Jarem this he sticks his tongue out at us. It is so cute! When he got home from daycare at Jen’s yesterday, he kept sticking his tongue out. This is a big deal to us because Jarem is tongue tied. Basically that means Jarem has a tight frenulum. (The frenulum is the string of tissue that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth.) We have known this since he was pretty young and he even got evaluated to possibly get his tongue clipped when he was a baby. He didn’t end up getting it clipped so he is still tongue tied. We have wondered about whether or not we should have had it done because we have never seen Jarem stick his tongue out of his mouth. But just last night he started doing it on his own in the car on the way home from Jen’s. Our assumption is that he saw Braden and/or Emma doing it and copied them. He loves to copy what his big cousins do and we are so grateful that he is doing this. It makes us feel better knowing that he can stick his tongue out if he tries. It looks really cute when he does it because his tongue turns into a heart shape rather than pointy because the tip is held back. In any case, when we got home last night I put on this new outfit from Grammy and Kristy. With Grammy’s basketball shirt on and that tongue sticking out I think he looks like a little Michael Jordan in the making. What do you think?

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