Well a couple months ago, Eric asked my Aunt Stef and Uncle Dale if we could have their old bike trailer that they used with the girlies that was in their garage. They graciously passed it on to us (THANK YOU!) and we took Jarem for his first ride in it last night. It was so much fun seeing him in the trailer and being out as a family. We usually try to go for walks since Jarem loves being outdoors so much but the bike ride was so much more fun! It was a change of scenery since we usually just walk in our neighborhood and last night we rode our bikes all the way over to my mom's house in her neighborhood. SO FUN! Jarem passed out soon after we left Karen and Uriel's house (our first pit stop on the trip) and stayed asleep until we got home. I guess he was pretty peaceful in there.
We're going to try and go for a family bike ride after work a couple of times each week. It was so awesome getting out and enjoying the wonderful evening air after being at work all day. Here are a few pictures from our adventure...
Sleeping boy!Wearing Korina's old helmet. It was all we had that fit. Safety is what matters most! Right?
Just lounging in his new favorite place. :)
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