It has felt more like surviving to the next day lately than living. It has been really crazy in the Bailey household these past few weeks. I cannot even begin to mention how messy our house has become not to mention how messy my brain feels. I'll start with an update on Jarem. We had a horrible experience with Dr. Bartell at Maricopa Ear, Nose, Throat and I would recommend that NO ONE go to see anyone at that practice. Just ridiculous! We were lucky though to receive a good referral from Amy, Eric's co-worker. Friday I took Jarem up there for ANOTHER ear appointment and Jarem will be getting Tympanostomy Tube Surgery on Wednesday at 7:30am at the Phoenix Children's Hospital. It has been a long time coming with all the ear infections our poor guy has suffered through. He is one tough cookie! We were supposed to go to my friend Suzanna's wedding on Valentine's Day in San Diego. Jarem was acting a little fussy and I decided to take him to the doctor to make sure he was okay to fly. We found out that he had double ear infections AGAIN! This was on Wednesday, February 11th. We went back to the pediatrician Thursday and Friday and got three rocephin shots (strong antibiotics and very painful for him). After Jarem's worst night alive filled with fevers, baths, crying, screaming, moaning, etc we finally thought he had kicked the infections. Well when I took him to the new, amazing Dr. Josen on Friday we found that he still has two ear infections. I feel so bad for him!
That week honestly was one of the worst weeks I've had in a very long time. Joanna, my best friend and Jarem's godmother, texted me late that Thursday evening (2/12) and told me that the paramedics were at her house. I immediately called her and tried to calm her down and let her know things would be fine and it was just a scare. After the worst half hour on the phone, Joanna called me and said her dad had passed away. I could not believe it!!! How could Joe be gone?!? He is young and healthy and I didn't think God would take him yet.
The Usher ladies are amazing and I will blog more about those events later but for now I can say that I love them very much and am proud of their strength and faith in God.
That same evening, Thursday the 12th I also threw out my back. After Jarem received his shot at the pediatrician's office we were jumping around trying to cheer him up and I tweaked my back. By the time we drove home I couldn't stand up straight or walk. I spent all of Friday and Saturday and part of Sunday laying on our living room floor with a heating pad. Just topping on the cake...
The good news at the end of all this is that life is starting to slow down (a little) and life almost feels normal. I have so much that I want to write but that's a starter. Sorry it's been so long...
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