Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Biter Biscuit

Auntie Jen is so good to us! At Braden's birthday party she gave Jarem his party bag and inside were baby treats especially for Jarem. She included some biter biscuits for us to try with him. She warned us that it would be messy but WOW! Jarem took messy to a whole other level. We didn't mind though, that's what baths are for. He really enjoyed the biscuit and ate almost the entire thing. Good job baby boy!

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Merry Christmas!

Well for Christmas we didn't really buy that much for Jarem. He already has so many toys and is truly blessed with hand me downs from cousins and friends. One of the things we did buy him was a 100-pack of Mega Bloks (basically large Legos). We didn't think he'd use them yet but thought it was definitely something he could play with as he gets older. Well on Christmas Eve we went to my sister's house after mass and had the best time with family. Braden and Emma have large Legos and Jarem found them. He held that Lego in his hand for a half an hour and when Eric tried to take it away from him Jarem actually cried. That's the first time he has ever cried for a toy. It was almost funny. In any case, Christmas morning we opened up the pack of Mega Bloks for Jarem to play with. He really loves the bright colors and the bloks are perfect for soothing his poor teething gums.

Jarem's many Christmas presents he received for his first Christmas included two teeth and an ear infection. Needless to say he was quite uncomfortable and really didn't get why we had to keep going from house to house. He was exhausted most of the day from crying most of the night and was quite resistant to nap. But this is one small moment we captured of him on Christmas day that was soooo precious.

All in all Jarem did great with the holidays and madness they can bring. We enjoyed spending time with all of our family throughout the past two weeks. We are so very blessed. Here are a few pictures from Jarem's first Christmas, too.

Christmas morning in front of our little tree at home.
Christmas Eve at Jen's house.

Christmas day with Joanna's family.
Jarem playing with his godmother, Joanna.
Happy boy!

Poppa and Miss C got these PJ's for him. Thank you!

Can you tell Jarem had just woken up? Tired eyes...

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Braden!

Today is Braden's 4th birthday. He is so big though that it seems like it should be his 6th at least. Not to mention how good his vocabulary is and how good he is with his letters. He is such a smart boy. He is also the best superhero! He loves to be Superman, Spiderman, Iron Man, Wolverine, you name it. He is great at getting into character and making you call him by his alias. He has a ton of nicknames for Jarem and I love hearing what he thinks of. One personal favorite is Spideybaby.

He is having a Batman birthday party this year and has been telling me what he wishes for for months. He tells me, "Auntie Jamie, I wish for a black Batman with a black bat mobile and a black motorcycle and a green joker." I was able to find everything but the green joker. I am really excited to see him open his present tonight. Jen has been doing so much work on planning his party. It's going to be amazing! There is even going to be guest appearances by Batman and Joker themselves. SO COOL!

Thanks for being such a great godson, nephew, cousin and love bug. We love you!!
Be sure to watch this video all the way until the end. After the cuddles comes my FAVORITE part. I love hearing what Braden and Emma have to say...

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Oh my goodness!!! This is going to be my ring tone. I'm going to have Eric pull the audio from this and make this my ring tone on my cell. HOW ADORABLE!?! Great belly laughs...so contagious. I love it!

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CAUTION: Baby at play!

So I really don't want to do that whole my baby is so smart and amazing thing in every post. But I'm honestly just amazed at what he knows. I feel like I miss so much when I'm at work. His brain is constantly learning and growing. Auntie Jen has this toy which I'm sure we've all seen. You move or turn or flip something and the door pops open with something underneath. I had no clue that Jarem would know what to do with this toy. I was completely amazed at how focused and determined he was on making sure that every door stay closed. I LOVED IT! I love being able to play with him now and watch him figure things out. He's just started to push things over the edge or drop things on the floor and see what happens. It's a favorite game of his in the bathroom to push everything off the ledge of the tub onto the floor. Then he pulls up to standing and stares at everything lying on the floor. (His aftermath hehe) I'm so proud of you Jarem! Keep learning all these fun new workings of the world... I love you bug! ... Full Post...

Sleeping Angel

Well this is short but too sweet not to share. Auntie Jen took this video. She was admiring him in his sleep which I honestly thought I was the only one who found that interesting. I love watching him sleep! But apparently Auntie Jen really does love him as much as she says. Cause she didn't just watch him sleep, she taped him. We are so incredibly lucky to have her watch Jarem for us! Thanks Auntie Jen for this precious video!
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WOW! The changes a week makes...

Okay, check out these two videos. These were taken a week apart. The first video is about two days after we first noticed Jarem pulling up on furniture to standing. The second video was taken two nights ago. This is just crazy how fast he learns and perfects things. He went from struggling with something as sturdy as a bathtub to mastering a Fisher Price piano to prop up on. I am so amazed at my little man!

The other thing I have to mention, check out the size of his belly hanging over those ASU shorts! So handsome...

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Where's Jarem?

This has to be one of the most precious videos... Braden played this game all on his own with Baby Jarem. He and Emma are the best cousins! It's so amazing how much they love Jarem and don't get sick of him coming to their house everyday. They ask, "Can we borrow baby Jarem today?" And most nights Emma asks if Jarem can spend the night. It's so adorable. Well this video shows Braden playing with Jarem. He was doing this all on his own while Jen was changing Jarem's diaper. Jen grabbed the Flip real fast to tape the boys playing and that's when Braden looked at the camera. Man, we are so lucky to have them loving on baby J all day. My favorite part is when Braden calls him Spidey Boy. Braden loves, Loves, LOVES superheroes so it's only fitting for him to say that. I love it... ... Full Post...

Strong Arms

I love my baby boy! His upper body strength is insane! The first video is baby J crawling to mommy and then switching into his army crawl. I can't get over how strong his arms are to be able to pull his 20 pound body across the carpet so quickly and easily. The gun show must be in town...hehe. The second clip is one of his little quirks that make us laugh. He plays with his Fisher Price tables and loves to pull up to standing and push all the buttons to hear the noises and see the lights. But every now and then he'll just push the table around or take the legs off and I swear it's like he's just trying to show off his brute strength. Whatever the motive, he's so cute doing it and we love watching him push his toys around.
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Standing and playing with mommy

Well, as promised, here is the first of a couple videos to come. This was taken this past weekend so it's recent. Daddy is much better at getting Jarem to stand and walk that I am. But it's still cute to watch him try. Enjoy the video...
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A long past due update...

So we have a number of excuses for not blogging lately but not enough time to write about those. Plus, it’s way more fun to write about BABY JAREM! So here’s the cliff notes on how he’s doing and what he’s up to.
He says Dada regularly and is starting to babble a little mama here and there. Last night we were in the dining room and he was playing in the living room when a loud and clear “mama” came out. We both stopped and smiled at each other. Eric has been loving all the Dada's but now it’s time to share the babbles.

Jarem has also started to crawl. He’s been doing his army man crawl and getting better and faster for the past month or so. This past weekend he actually crawled a good 3-4 strides before switching back to army crawl. We are so proud!! We got some good video that we’ll post this week…PROMISE!

Man, really sorry it’s been so long. Jarem’s first Thanksgiving was good but uneventful. He had Gerber 2nd foods Sweet Potatoes and Turkey. Yummy!

Jarem has also been such a good boy and taken a couple more trips with us. We flew to Washington again and visited all Eric's family. It was such a great trip and we saw so much family. It was nice not having anything to do but enjoy good family time. Jarem did great on the flights both there and back. We found out this past week that he burst his ear drum again. I wonder if it was from the flights. He never complained though. He's such a good boy!

This past weekend we drove to Page, AZ. For those not familiar it was about 6 hours away and on the Utah border. Again, he was an angel boy in the car and did fine with the cold weather. It snowed most of our drive home which was kind of fun. It was mine and Eric's first time ever seeing the Grand Canyon in person, even if it was from afar.

The biggest news in our lives is that Jarem no longer goes to Kindercare!! My sister offered to watch Jarem and we absolutely jumped at the opportunity. Jarem gets to spend all day playing with his cousins and amazing Auntie Jen. She is so good with him and loves him more than we ever thought another person could while we’re at work. We have been so blessed not only having them here in AZ with us to see and spend time with but now with the opportunity to see them every week day!

She takes some great videos during the day, I’ve just been slacking on posting them. I’ll post a bunch and get caught up soon. For now, here are some pictures she’s taken for us. More to come soon…

Jarem's first time on a swing. He was pretty tired as you can see...

Jarem playing in Auntie Jen's exersaucer.

Superbaby!! Such a happy boy...

Oops, I meant Supercousins!!!!! Notice all the Superman attire. What good looking cousins!

Another ride on the swing. He enjoyed it much more this time around. He's starting to get the hang of it I think. (I've still never seen him on a big boy swing. Only on his baby swing in our living room.)

GO ASU Sun Devils!! Jarem wearing Uncle Bradley's hat. SO HANDSOME! This is my favorite picture of him. I love those eyes...

Okay, this is kind of a long story but a fun one. While in WA, everyone tried on this blond wig. Eric's mom had it from Halloween, she was Tina Turner. We were all trying it on and taking pictures when Jarem woke up. I went and picked him up and he was very happy and alert. We decided to put the wig on him, too. He makes a good looking blond, huh? ... Full Post...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Baby Schroeder


Play that piano babyJ ... Full Post...