Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Biter Biscuit
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Merry Christmas!
Jarem's many Christmas presents he received for his first Christmas included two teeth and an ear infection. Needless to say he was quite uncomfortable and really didn't get why we had to keep going from house to house. He was exhausted most of the day from crying most of the night and was quite resistant to nap. But this is one small moment we captured of him on Christmas day that was soooo precious.
All in all Jarem did great with the holidays and madness they can bring. We enjoyed spending time with all of our family throughout the past two weeks. We are so very blessed. Here are a few pictures from Jarem's first Christmas, too.
Christmas morning in front of our little tree at home.
Christmas Eve at Jen's house.
Christmas day with Joanna's family.
Jarem playing with his godmother, Joanna.
Happy boy!
Poppa and Miss C got these PJ's for him. Thank you!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Happy Birthday Braden!
He is having a Batman birthday party this year and has been telling me what he wishes for for months. He tells me, "Auntie Jamie, I wish for a black Batman with a black bat mobile and a black motorcycle and a green joker." I was able to find everything but the green joker. I am really excited to see him open his present tonight. Jen has been doing so much work on planning his party. It's going to be amazing! There is even going to be guest appearances by Batman and Joker themselves. SO COOL!
Thanks for being such a great godson, nephew, cousin and love bug. We love you!!
Be sure to watch this video all the way until the end. After the cuddles comes my FAVORITE part. I love hearing what Braden and Emma have to say...
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CAUTION: Baby at play!
Sleeping Angel
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WOW! The changes a week makes...
The other thing I have to mention, check out the size of his belly hanging over those ASU shorts! So handsome...
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Where's Jarem?
Strong Arms
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Standing and playing with mommy
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A long past due update...
He says Dada regularly and is starting to babble a little mama here and there. Last night we were in the dining room and he was playing in the living room when a loud and clear “mama” came out. We both stopped and smiled at each other. Eric has been loving all the Dada's but now it’s time to share the babbles.
Jarem has also started to crawl. He’s been doing his army man crawl and getting better and faster for the past month or so. This past weekend he actually crawled a good 3-4 strides before switching back to army crawl. We are so proud!! We got some good video that we’ll post this week…PROMISE!
Man, really sorry it’s been so long. Jarem’s first Thanksgiving was good but uneventful. He had Gerber 2nd foods Sweet Potatoes and Turkey. Yummy!
Jarem has also been such a good boy and taken a couple more trips with us. We flew to Washington again and visited all Eric's family. It was such a great trip and we saw so much family. It was nice not having anything to do but enjoy good family time. Jarem did great on the flights both there and back. We found out this past week that he burst his ear drum again. I wonder if it was from the flights. He never complained though. He's such a good boy!
This past weekend we drove to Page, AZ. For those not familiar it was about 6 hours away and on the Utah border. Again, he was an angel boy in the car and did fine with the cold weather. It snowed most of our drive home which was kind of fun. It was mine and Eric's first time ever seeing the Grand Canyon in person, even if it was from afar.
The biggest news in our lives is that Jarem no longer goes to Kindercare!! My sister offered to watch Jarem and we absolutely jumped at the opportunity. Jarem gets to spend all day playing with his cousins and amazing Auntie Jen. She is so good with him and loves him more than we ever thought another person could while we’re at work. We have been so blessed not only having them here in AZ with us to see and spend time with but now with the opportunity to see them every week day!
She takes some great videos during the day, I’ve just been slacking on posting them. I’ll post a bunch and get caught up soon. For now, here are some pictures she’s taken for us. More to come soon…

Jarem playing in Auntie Jen's exersaucer.
Superbaby!! Such a happy boy...
Oops, I meant Supercousins!!!!! Notice all the Superman attire. What good looking cousins!
Another ride on the swing. He enjoyed it much more this time around. He's starting to get the hang of it I think. (I've still never seen him on a big boy swing. Only on his baby swing in our living room.)
GO ASU Sun Devils!! Jarem wearing Uncle Bradley's hat. SO HANDSOME! This is my favorite picture of him. I love those eyes...
Okay, this is kind of a long story but a fun one. While in WA, everyone tried on this blond wig. Eric's mom had it from Halloween, she was Tina Turner. We were all trying it on and taking pictures when Jarem woke up. I went and picked him up and he was very happy and alert. We decided to put the wig on him, too. He makes a good looking blond, huh?